Memories …
Do you remember when designated employees were “detained” in a bus shelter? And the subsequent negotiations for their release?
The “kidnap” of designated employees? And, how these members were hidden from management?
The infamous designated members’ ravine walk at the 1747 Jane location?
Coffee and donuts from Manager Jeff? Hysterics from Manager Karin?
The honking of the horns: all the TTC and Truck Drivers’ support?
More Memories …
Do you remember Manager George ordering the Police to arrest Striking Members at the 1747 Jane location during the 1980 Strike…?
And how Mike, Frances, our job order clerks, and a pregnant Mary ended up in a Paddywagon and to jail…? Most of the job order clerks were in their 50’s and 60’s !!!
George made quite an impact that day! His great cowardice will never be forgotten…
Do you remember Treasury Board President Gilles Loiselle’s news commentaries during the 1991 Strike?
Every day of that Strike, Gilles denigrated public servants and the contributions they make to the community. That was his way of convincing the public that Public Servants do not deserve a raise.
What a brilliant strategy that was! By denigrating public servants, Gilles denigrated Government. And, in the 1993 Federal Election, Gilles Loiselle’s Conservative Party made
history when it suffered its most embarrassing defeat. The Canadian Public took him at his word and voted his Government out!